Six cornerstones for translational brain charts

Published in SCIBULL, 2023

Recommended citation: Z. X. Zhou, L. Z. Chen, M. P. Milham, X. N. Zuo & Lifespan Brain Chart Consortium. (2023). "Six cornerstones for translational brain charts." Science Bulletin, 68:795-799.

Despite the impressive advances, there is still a non-negligible gap between this seminal paradigm on basic research of brain charts and their translational applications, calling for great community efforts to address translation barriers. To guide gap-filling research on translational brain charts (TBC), we outline 6E (Exploit, Evaluate, Explore, Eliminate, Estimate, and Establish) efforts that we regard as “cornerstones” of TBC research here.

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Recommended citation: Z. X. Zhou; L. Z. Chen; M. P. Chen; X. N. Zuo; LBCC. (2023). "Six cornerstones for translational brain charts. Science Bulletin, 68:795-799.